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Bus services to/from Umeå Airport

Here, we have collected information for you who wants to travel by bus to and from Umeå Airport.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which bus can I take to the airport?

You can take the Airport Bus, number 80, driven by Ultra - Umeå's public transport.

Click here for more information.

Where does the bus stop?

The airport bus departs and arrives outside the airport terminal.

The bus stop for Wasaline is located at Obbolavägen, 100 meters from the entrence, past the long-term parking lot.

Where can I buy tickets?

You can easily buy your ticket with the app Ultra - Umeå lokaltrafik or on tabussen.nu. Tickets are also sold at Ultra's regular service points and in the self service machines located outside Umeå Airport and Vasaplan in Umeå city centre. You can also buy a ticket on the bus using a debit/credit card.

Find more information here.

When can I take the bus?

To see a full timetable, please visit the Airport Bus website.